Hackers are Psychiatric Patients!?


Most of hackers aren’t that social, aren’t that communicative neither having smiley faces and this because of Their Ego. which made them feel they are better from most of peoples. They are smarter by the way of how they are doing things but not at the way of thinking of it.

Decoding, hacking , cracking and system invasions are based on single or multi-network penetrations, the case which want best time controlling and team management, which shows how much they are professional in communications but between each others.

The danger of hacking is not limited to affect only brain cells in over thinking, but it could somehow block any feelings towards others, which appear significantly in the case of revenge.
They are working very hard to approve their capability to control and their ability to manage what others can’t do.
The way of approving depends on the hacker’s personality and it matches his diagnosis directly, there for there is three main types:
1- The hacker who want to approve himself, for himself.
2- The hacker who want to approve himself, for others.
3- The hackers who want to approve himself, for other hackers.

The three types above considered to be psychiatric patients the different levels. Starting from the most dangerous, which is number one. His personality is so complicated and can’t be understood by any. The serious problem occur if he was genius, because not every hacker is genius!
He will fight a lot and do whatever he want to do to approve himself for himself. He is challenging himself by hacking any, destroying any, and his revenge is so hard. Simply, that person could reach up to stage of “Mind Control” where can do a lot enjoying penetrating people personal lives and even hack their minds and the worst is hacking their feelings.

Going down with and the less dangerous who are number three. Because he have to think a lot of what he is doing and do all steps carefully because he want to challenge other hackers.

I will write in details more about every type it in my next post and will even write about they way of dealing with each kind of them.


Published by

Mohamed Abouzid

